Advanced Usage

Global registry of structs and interfaces.

Adding an annotation to a struct or interface will add it to a registry in cara with all their IDs. This allows the benefits of being able to lookup certain types without registering all types.

using Cara = import "/capnp/cara.capnp";
struct StructName @<capnp id> $Cara.registerGlobally {}
import cara
cara.GlobalTypeRegistery[<capnp id>].__name__ == 'StructName'

Replacing a struct or interface's implementation.

Sometimes you want to replace how a struct or interface is handled in your application, but maybe only in your subset of the code. Calling ReplaceTypes on a struct or interface with an item-map will replace any mention of the keyed types with the values. To explain more simply, here's an example:

# example.capnp
struct Root {
  field @0 :SubType1;
  struct SubType1 {
    subField @0 :Host;
  struct Host {
    hostname @0 :Text;
    port @1 :Int16;

First, import it as usual.

from example_capnp import Root

Next, let's construct it with a dict, as normal.

foo = Root({'field': {'subField': {'hostname': ''}}})
assert foo.field.subField.hostname == ''

Now, let's create a new class that takes a dict matching the Host struct.

class HostReplacement(object):
  def __init__(self, dct):
    self._hostname = dct.get('hostname', '')
    self._port = dct.get('port', 80)
    self.socket = socket.create_connection((self._hostname, self._port))

Next, we create a new struct that is just like Root, except with our new class in the right place. Note that we have to use a list of tuples, similar to what a python dict's items() method returns, because many types aren't hashable.

NewRoot = Root.ReplaceTypes([(Root.Host, HostReplacement)])
new_foo = NewRoot(foo)
assert isinstance(new_foo.field.subField, HostReplacement)

Now the NewRoot struct is exactly the same as Root, except anywhere that the Host struct was is now HostReplacement, even in its nested structs. Note the names aren't changed, only the underlying type.

assert NewRoot.Host is not Root.Host
assert NewRoot.Host is HostReplacement